
Pornography's Poison

The Truth about Porn Addiction and its harmful effects



How are you spending your time?

How are you spending your time daily? Which one is you? #1 or #2? And if you’re both, how long will it be before you find yourself spending more and more time watching pornography, sexting online, webcams and other artificial stimulation, neglecting the real world and thing things you should be focused on. Snap out of it. Get your life back.

Roadblocks of Recovery (Ego/Religion/sometimes Therapist)

Ok i want to touch on these subjects for the simple fact that there are so many people who’ve already acknowledged that they Do have a problem, wants to quit badly, but yet still declines help. Ive already spoken on the shame and guilt and how some want to keep it a secret and do it alone. but there are more reasons people put these roadblocks on their recovery. 
Ego: There are some people who have been addicted for 10, 20 years or more, who still don’t have “Real knowledge” on this addiction or any clue on how to actually recover from it. And when you try to show them, they decline it. They want to be the one to know more, they don’t want to be taught by someone else. They want to Feel like they know what they’re doing. Which to me is the most ridiculous road block of recovery. And if your addicted for 10 or more years and continuously fail, then it maybe safe to say you don’t know what your doing. And you should consider getting help and learning about your addiction. Its not about who knows the most, its about freeing yourself from this addiction finally, and getting your life back! Is ego worth more years of being addicted. 

Now religion can work for some, but become a roadblock for others. Im not against religion or religious people, but there is no “Addiction recovery for catholics, Muslims, or whatever”. Because Addiction recovery is just exactly what it is. And defeating Porn addiction or any Addiction has nothing to do with religion. There are people who decline help, decline steps to take to recover, and just say god will take it away, they don’t need to do anything or get help. But Religion didn’t get you here and it wont get you out. Now if your Religion is motivating you and giving you the strength to do the things You Need to do, in order to defeat this addiction, then thats ok. But the key words are, things “You Need to do.” Only you can free yourself. Or continue to be trapped.

Seeing a therapist can also be a roadblock of recovery. This is because many people will turn down help from a person with experience with the addiction for professional help but the problem with that is, most people don’t know a lot about Pornography Addiction, even therapist. People don’t study the effects of pornography addiction or how to treat it because its not a publicized addiction. Some people still don’t know it actually is an addiction. A guy i met online told me he went to see a therapist and the therapist told him that he needed to find a woman, he’s lonely. Not knowing that the stage he is in. He wouldn’t even be able to be emotional with a woman, he developed social anxiety and erectile dysfunction. Most men who are addicted have wives and girlfriends. They might not understand this Addiction and therefore waste your time and money. Im just giving some of the roadblocks people set up for themselves during recovery. And the bottomline is, recover, by any means and do whatever you need to do to get there. Put your ego aside, Take advice, listen, learn, research, and work at it. You either want to be free from this. Or you don’t, simple as that. Get your life back.

How it really looks Fighting Porn addiction

Whether you know it or not, this is how it actually is fighting Porn addiction alone. And you wonder why you continually relapse? Do you know what your really fighting against? Porn Addiction attacks basically through every emotion. When your sad, stressed, feeling guilty, confused, it attacks at your lowest moments to relieve you of your problems, but can even attack at your highest, you can receive the best news, win a new car, anything and get so happy pornography cravings attack to help you celebrate. It feeds off your pain and happiness and even how you feel physically, if you have a cold, or hungry, your vulnerable for an attack. Not to mention the tons of images and movie scenes that bring on cravings also. Especially when your far in your recovery, just an image of leg might be enough to set you back, or even hearing or reading the wrong sexual term in a sentence can send triggers to your brain. Or it comes when your just bored. It becomes a habit where you need it daily as a part of your lifestyle because your brain is so used to it. So basically, your will power is fighting against a ton of emotions, physical health, images from any online media or real life visuals you may see, boredom and more. All alone, and you wonder why you keep losing? Yes Porn Addiction is an embarrassing addiction, you may not want to share your experiences or problem with anyone. But there ate others who have beaten this, or who have experience with withdrawals who can guide and help you. Like myself. Even alcoholics have sponsors. Connect with people like yourself, and learn, push each other and fight. I know you want to keep this addiction a secret and beat it alone, but that same secret is your downfall. Porn addiction thrives and secret, we think about it and use it in secret, the same way we continue to relapse in secret. Hoe many times will try your way, and end up year after year the same, or worst. 
We can fight together, or you can lose alone. Get help, and get your life back.

Serial Killer Ted Bundy, explains how his Porn Addiction Escalation, helped shape and influence his behavior 

Ted Bundy used his last interview before being executed to explain his behavior and how it all started, and to warn us of the dangers of pornography addiction. He wasn’t traumatized or had a bad upbringing at all. He had a solid christian home. But as a kid he started see soft-core porn magazines in stores and later found himself stumbling across harder, more graphic porn, detective magazines which contains what he describes as “The most damaging kind of pornography.” Sexual violence porn. 

He also speaks on the escalation of the addiction, stating:  
“My experience with pornography … is once you become addicted to it, (and I look at this as a kind of addiction like other kinds of addiction), I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material. Like an addiction, you keep craving something that is harder, something which gives you a greater sense of excitement. Until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far, you reach that jumping off point where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give you that which is beyond just reading or looking at it.

He also goes on to say:

“Those of us who have been so influenced by violence in the media, particularly pornographic violence, are not some kind of inherent monsters. We are your sons and husbands. We grew up in regular families. Pornography can reach in and snatch a kid out of any house today. It snatched me out of my home 20 or 30 years ago.”
Now i know this maybe seem a little extreme to you, and your thinking “Well that can never be me.” “I would never go that far.”

But how many things are you into now that you never thought you would be into? Or things that most people would think are disturbing or morally wrong? I kid you not, right now as we speak, there is a man out there somewhere, who’s porn addiction escalated way beyond most bizarre fetishes, and has gotten into so much child pornography that the visual isn’t enough for him anymore, and he’s thinking to himself,

“I really want to try this.”
This is how porn addiction escalates and rewires the brain. It can also numb your emotions by damaging your receptors, leaving you without the feeling of your normal moral beliefs, sympathy or remorse. It can make you an entirely different human being.  

Different forms of Pornography and escalation can give birth to the most extreme dangers and situations, such as child molesters, rapist, and even serial killers, or just the next domestic violence case, the next person with confused sexuality, or the next cheater in a relationship. Remeber you are not your addiction. Quit Your Porn Addiction now. Not only are you saving yourself, whether its physically or just emotionally, you maybe saving someone else, from yourself also. 

Porn kills love but sometimes, it just kills, everything.

link to Ted Bundy’s full interview,

One of the biggest excuses that porn addicts use to justify their actions is “Porn and masturbation is healthy.” But have you ever heard the term, “too much of anything can be bad.” There are people who can drink alcohol occasionally or socially and be able to maintain it, and not abuse it and become addicted. Or smoke cigarettes and maintain it and not become addicted. Although anyone can become addicted to anything, everyone’s brain reacts differently to different situations. And some people’s brain may more likely become addicted faster to certain drugs or stimulation. And Your weakness maybe Pornography, including all types of artificial sexual stimulation. So in Your case, Pornography is NOT healthy! And never will be. It effects you differently than everybody else now that your an addict and it will continue to escalate and ruin you mentally, emotionally and physically. Don’t let your addiction destroy you or your life. Like i said, the Pornography effects you differently than everyone else, so the only way for You to be truly healthy. Is to quit it, for good.
Get your life back.

Women are not excluded.

For those who believe that porn addiction is just something that effects men, you are wrong. There are tons of women who are suffering and going through the same problems. Developing the crazy fetishes, starting to have desires of other women. Loosing interest in real sex with their partner or loosing the interest in general. Vaginal dryness when its time for sex. Confusion. Same things the men go through. No matter the age or gender, this addiction affects everyone, and we should try our best to bring the dangers and importance of porn addiction to light.

Porn Addiction Ruins Sex Life

There are men and women out there, who would actually turn down real sex, and rather choose online sexual activity. Either they have a hard time getting sexually aroused in person or sex just doesn’t feel as good anymore. No its not because your partner is less attractive, not open minded enough or just simply boring in bed. Its because you abused Pornography and over stimulated your brain to the point where real sex doesn’t even compare, your dopamine receptors are damaged. And sex will always be a chore or undesirable the more you feed your addiction. STOP NOW. Get your love sex life back!

Are you Addicted?

Most of the time you can tell when you have a problem, but so many people wait until they hit rock bottom. And thats when its really hard to break free from. Recognize and admit you have a problem, and work on stopping it now. For the sake of your family, friends, and your sanity. #PornPoisons

The Mission

Nowadays there are so many people suffering from porn addiction who are aware of it. And some who don’t even know its a problem as i mentioned on my home page. Porn addiction needs to start being taken seriously and the general public need to know more about the serious effects it has on the brain. People only see it as entertainment, not knowing it can change the whole way your brain works. So I’m on the mission to possibly save some people from this addiction and hopefully start to wake people up. I met many people online with bizarre sick fetishes developed from a tolerance to regular porn. People who are now confused about their sexuality because of the porn they are now watching to to tolerance. Wives and girlfriends telling me that their man or husband shows no affection or interest in sex anymore. Men and women who go crazy with urges and cravings so bad they cant function well without it porn or sexting or some kind of fantasy activity. I want help and warn everyone on how serious this can be. There so many people destroyed mentally, families torn apart and even crime related from the changes to the brain this addiction creates. Instead of trying so hard to defend this activity that you love. Lets stop being ignorant, try to learn a thing or two, and maybe we can all help or save someone we know or love from going down this road. Or maybe we can learn to save ourselves… From Porn’s Poison.


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